Our 59-foot boat had two 300-gallon fuel tanks, which cost around $1300 to fill up even though we didnt use all of the gas. We have a huge selection from the Wahweap and Antelope Point marinas on the southern part of the lake, near Page, as well as from the Bullfrog marina to the north and far from any disturbance. Who could have thought about that? That depends on the size of houseboat you choose, though even the more economical, smaller houseboat rentals come with a comfy stateroom and kitchen facilities. Maximum occupancy is 12 while the boat is in motion. Imagine all the comforts of homecomfy beds, great living space, a fully appointed kitchen and a solid sound systemon your private houseboat, surrounded by Lake Powell's breathtaking scenery. Our pricing information will help you compare houseboat rental prices at Lake Powell. The Ultimate Guide To An Exciting Way Of Life, https://travelyouman.com/author/ponzoblogs/, 10 Top Affordable Port Aransas Fishing Trips Compared, 14 Top Things To Do In Laconia NH In The Winter, Powell Megan and Scott at Rainbow Bridge National Monument. Surprisingly RCI does actually have houseboats that will allow you to explore some popular water destinations in the USA. You may take a thrilling journey back down the canyons 15.5 miles of winding roads for a really exceptional experience at Lake Powell. The Western megadrought is revealing America's 'lost national park' - NPR Lake PowellUtah and ArizonaThe Southwests need for water inspired the creation of this 186-mile-long reservoir, which brings a splash of brilliant blue to an otherworldly landscape of reddish sandstone formations. If you are someone who just needs a break from the stress of this high paced life, you should certainly consider renting a houseboat for your next vacation instead of having a stressful getaway at an amusement park. These are only a few things that should be kept in mind when getting a houseboat through RCI but honestly the list to consider could be incredibly long since everyone is different. Whether you're looking for a Pontoon Boat, Jet Ski , Houseboat rental or a space at our RV Park, you'll find all the amenities you need at Antelope Point Marina on Lake Powell! You will have greater freedom during the off-season, but you should also check the weather. Lake Powell (Wahweap) Week 36 for sale on the Mystic Dancer.. 2023 dates are Se. The 75' XTreme Features: 6 Private Staterooms 2 1/2 Bathrooms 2 Full-Size Refrigerators Canopy on Top Deck Flying Bridge with Wet Bar Gas BBQ Grill Water Slide SERVICE UPDATES: Please read for the latest info., click here. Antelope Point is also the closest land-based marina to world-famous Rainbow Bridge National Monument and adjacent to popular Antelope and Navajo Canyons. TIA! Significance: Antelope Point Launch Ramp, located near Antelope Point Marina, is open seasonally for you to launch your boat. Not sure if there are any in central British Columbia anymore. Unless you have a private aircraft, Page, Arizona is the nearest city if you need to get to Wahweap Marina. Houseboats can travel for short distances and are perfect for a family day on the lake or river or could even work well for a multiple week vacation if there are enough things around it to do! One of the best things about houseboating is that even a first-time boater can learn how to pilot a houseboat after just a short . The XTreme boasts the best of niceties and is also accessible to those with disabilities. Luxury boats may be purchased for as low as $2k to $15k at the height of the season; our boat, which sleeps up to 12, cost $7500. Great things about renting houseboats from RCI, Things to look for when renting a houseboat through RCI. I recently took a trip to Las Vegas and we used RCI to get a two bedroom condo near the strip. Explore scenic coves and canyons with a power boat or personal watercraft. Renting A Houseboat: What You Need, Best Places, & More, Buying A Houseboat: Types, Benefits, Costs, Questions, and, Houseboat & Boating Horror Stories: 15 Stories from Real, houseboats that will allow you to explore some popular water, Your Ultimate Guide to House-Sitting and Home Exchanges: Benefits, Opportunities, and Tips for a Successful Experience, houseboat through RCI there are some important, houseboats which is obviously something you would prefer when staying, factor to consider is the actual size of the houseboat, houseboat rental companies will take the houseboat off and put. Utah Travel Industry Website, Printable Road Trip Activity Book For Kids, Monument Valley | Highway 163 Scenic Drive, Places to Stay Near Coral Pink Sand Dunes. Trip 2014 Dates (Board / Depart) 2014 Dates (Return) Trip Availability Price; 1: Board: May 31 @ 6 pm Depart: June 1 June 7 @ 9 am: 7 Days: For Sale request more info: $49,875: 2: Board: June 7 @ 6 pm Depart: June 8 June 14 @ 9 am Since most houseboating at Lake Powell takes place in Utah, we suggest getting this one. While there are many places to stay in and around Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, few options prove as memorable as a houseboat. Another important factor to consider is the actual size of the houseboat. The cost of consumables, gasoline for massive boats that hold hundreds of gallons, and insurance must all be considered. We haven't done it but there is Holly Bluff Marina in Florida. You must log in or register to reply here. While two feet might not seem like all that much room, it can be a godsend when it comes to house boating. WorldMark Sea Gardens. By continuing to use our site, you consent to such use of cookies. The Escalante Arm River is ideal for kayakers, and Forgotten Canyon, where you can trek to 700-year-old ruins with ancient wall paintings, is one of the most unusual places you can explore from your Lake Powell houseboat rental. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. All other Houseboat Rental Terms and Conditions Apply. The majority of the locations listed below are really best explored from a separate speedboat or on jet skis rather than from your rented houseboat on Lake Powell. Flights on Great Lakes Airlines arrive in Page from Phoenix and Denver. To escape the crowds, and wow your Instagram followers, catch a hot-air-balloon ride with Lake Tahoe Hot Air Balloons (laketahoeballoons.com). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The 75' XTreme is the top of the line houseboat unlike any other in the fleet. you can literally move the houseboat anywhere on the lake you choose (assuming its allowed there) and have all of the peace and quiet that you want or be as loud as you want as well! (Bigfoot sightings have been reported here.) Houseboating On Lake Powell Is An Otherworldly Adventure And A - Forbes While several marinas serve Lake Powell, houseboat rentals are only offered at the full-service Wahweap, Bullfrog, and Antelope Point marinas, with others providing services like fuel, groceries, and boat slips. The public launch ramp at the Antelope Point marina area. All Rights Reserved. Sign In and Register is disabled while the system is down for maintenance. Facebook Map All Houseboat Marinas 928-645-5900 As a result, you wont be able to participate in many water sports or activities, and youll need to modify your travel itinerary to account for the cooler weather. We laughed at the cost of renting one jet ski, which was going to cost roughly $900 for the week; that amount, which excludes petrol, is nearly as much as the cost of a secondhand jet ski. However, jokes apart, the newer versions of houseboats are even more creative and come equipped with the most cutting edge equipment and state of the art technology. Two great locations; Wahweap Marina in Arizona and Bullfrog Marina in Utah. I'm pretty sure those are the only two in RCI. Guide To Houseboat Rentals In Lake Powell (What You Should Know) This includes houseboat, power boat and jet . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. RCI offers this in Deland Florida: Grand Lakefront Resort Club USA / Holly Bluff Marina (#4876) Other Urgent Information. Fortunately, garbage compactors and collectors are available at the many marinas located around Lake Powell. Locate boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! *This post may contain affiliate links. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you have any questions, let me know and I can ask them. Of course if the houseboat that RCI has is a good brand but it is 50 years old then that likely wont turn out very good for you. Discover our top picks for ways to unwind in one of central Floridas . Treks to tumbling waterfalls, historic homesteads, country stores: . Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Wow! I would. . The pressures of life in a city fall away at the sight of red sandy beaches running into the cool, blue waters. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In the rest of this article we will talk about some of the great things you will get when renting a houseboat through RCI and then in the section afterwards we will discuss some specific things you should look for when renting a houseboat through RCI. I started this blog to help people learn all about boating but specifically houseboats.Houseboating is a great way to spend time with your family and friends and make lifelong memories! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There are many other places as well that are less popular and RCI could certainly add more locations in the future. Does RCI Have Houseboats? - Just Houseboats Antelope Point Marina is owned and operated by Antelope Point Holdings, LLC, an authorized concessioner of the National Park Service, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The cost of Lake Powell houseboat rentals is often lower in spring and fall, and these seasons are also perfect if you prefer things just a little cooler. Would be kind of fun to set up a direct exchange with someone though. The last thing I will mention that you should look for when renting a houseboat from RCI is what things there are to do in the area. The Republic It has choked off a former shortcut from Wahweap to the rest of Powell. World Class Houseboats; Premier Marina at Lake Powell; Most Trusted Shared Ownership Company; SRP Experience; Contact Us; Sunrise Peak We regret not staying the night as we traveled home through the night. The $900 fee isn't what got me. Yikes! A jaunt toPage, on the other hand, puts the short trails to Glen Canyon Dam Overlook and the Hanging Gardens within easy reach. I made this site to make it easy for beginner to learn all there is about houseboats and how much fun can be had on the water! Here, owning a jet ski or a speedboat helps you move quickly and locate a position. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Peak Season is from June 21 to August 19, when costs will be much higher, and booking will be very difficult. You will be taught how to operate the boat by a member of the Lake Powell houseboat rentals crew before you leave the harbor. The Ultimate Guide To An Exciting Way Of Life Learn about the Downsides Of Traveling As A Hobby. Discover a coastal playground just north of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It would even exist if the Glen Canyon Dam hadn't be built on the Colorado River back in the 1960s. Customize your Lake Powell houseboat rental with your choice of eight different houseboat models - from basic to "XTreme." Rental rates vary by departure date and availability. Life on the water at Lake Powell promises all the relaxation you can handle, whether that comes courtesy of swimming at Lone Rock Beach or catching trout below the Glen Canyon Dam. Other attractions include Padre Bay, which you will probably travel by en route to your camping location. The cost and effort to pack all of those sorts of things can be substantial so having them already on board is helpful. Thank you for visiting lake-powell-houseboat-rentals.com! This way, youll enjoy a full night of sleep and be down at the pier bright and early for your 10 am check-in. You might choose to go larger, and a little more upmarket, by renting a luxury houseboat on Lake Powell. ORE at Lake Powell: Page, Arizona: Orlando Breeze Resort Club: Davenport, Florida . You must either drive or utilize the private landing strips at Halls Crossing or Bullfrog, Utah, to access Bullfrog Marina. Find unique places to stay with local hosts in 191 countries. Outside of huge Lake Powell, the major attractions there are tours of the Antelope Canyon and hike to Horseshoe Bend. However, renting one from the Lake Powell houseboat rental facility is rather pricey if you dont have your own. The master bedroom features a bed lift while the bathroom has grab bars, a shower with a low threshold and a shower wheelchair. about the Waiver of Liability & Damage Deposit options. In most places it wont be but if a certain location includes a tank of fuel it might be worth your while to get that place through RCI instead. If you can, try to go during the shoulder season from January 1 to June 20 and again from August 20 to December 31. 2. For instance, the average air temperature in April ranges from a high of 68 degrees to a low of 43 degrees. It's the $1500 deposit. Photo Gallery | Maps | Points of Interest: North Lake & South Lake. Since the Kludt family established the first vineyard, in 2000, the number of wineries has swelled to 20; many, like Vin du Lac (vindulac.com), have outdoor terraces for tastings of crisp pinot gris paired with views of the pristine glacier-fed lake. It is always important to know exactly what you want to get out of your houseboat vacation as by figuring that out you can then decide what you want or need in a houseboat or location. Just a few of those things are: If you are a person with a creative eye, you will likely love the most recent versions of houseboats. Imagine all the comforts of homecomfy beds, great living space, a fully appointed kitchen and a solid sound systemon your private houseboat, surrounded by Lake Powells breathtaking scenery. You should employ a speedboat or jet ski for any water activities; your Lake Powell houseboat rental is more of a base. For this one, a speedboat or jet ski are required. Secondly, if there is such a thing, does anyone know it's availability through RCI? Home | Vacation rentals | Boat rentals | Houseboats | Lake Powell houseboat rentals. So after discussing it with my wife (who, it turns out, has always wanted to stay on a houseboat! However, the hustle and bustle of the city life can sometimes get very tiring. The US National Park Service oversees the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, a conservation and recreation unit that includes Lake Powell. Blackout dates may apply. Manage Settings Though we did have several bottles, one of them shattered the first day, making it difficult to pick up and even causing me to cut my foot. Lake Powell. Many people dont want to sleep on a boat or are afraid of seasickness so you can often find that you can get a houseboat for about the same weeks as you can get a 1 bedroom condo for. I owned a houseboat timeshare but they went under - season is too short here and the maintenance costs were prohibitive. Where Can You Live On A Houseboat Year Round In California? (Not required to be the primary name on the invoice). nps.gov, Caddo LakeLouisiana and TexasCaddo is a sprawling maze of interconnected bayous, sloughs and ponds whose lush plants and endangered wildlife lend it a mystical beauty. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'justhouseboats_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',659,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-justhouseboats_com-leader-1-0'); Houseboats can provide you with some of the most beautiful views you would have ever witnessed in your life. We launch and retrieve all watercraft for you. Springing to life in the early 1960s, following the completion of the Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell sits on the border of Utah and Arizona. You probably wont have mobile coverage either; some Verizon customers reported sporadic reception in the most unlikely locations. In addition to the granite countertops and the premium wood kitchen cabinets handmade by Amish craftsmen, the Gold also features nicer ceiling fans, better lighting, and stainless steel kitchen appliances. Houseboat rental companies canceled reservations, and federal water. Custom designed for the rental fleet at Antelope Point Marina, the 75' Platinum is the ultimate in luxury and comfort. We divide ownership and the cost with several partners. A basic boating lesson and drivers license are all youll need to get started. You can reach it on an afternoon boat tour or from the comfort of your own houseboat (there are 5 marinas). Photo Gallery | Maps | Points of Interest: North Lake, South Lake, Aramark 2023 Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas100 Lakeshore Drive, Page, AZ 86040888.896.3829. In the end, we purchased too much, and plenty of people took food home. Page on it's own it's not a tourist destination. Don't think any of these exchange in Interval or RCI but there are tons of Houseboat timeshares at Lake Powell (Southern Utah/Northern Arizona). Lake TahoeCalifornia and NevadaThe snowcapped peaks of the Sierra Nevada ring Lake Tahoe, where summer ushers in a fresh lineup of activities, from waterskiing and standup paddleboarding to lounging on the white-sand beach of Sand Harbor. The 75' XTreme Houseboat Rental - Antelope Point Marina HouseBoat in RCI? | Page 2 | Timeshare Users Group Discussion Forums TUG saves owners more than $20 Million dollars, http://www.tug2.com/ResortOverview.aspx?Canal boat Club at Blackwater Marina&ID=15136. Nothing captures the spirit of summer like an afternoon by the lake. The amenities in each can cater to a budget friendly family vacation, large groups on a week long vacation, on up to a luxury retreat. The ADA amenities on this boat include wider hallways and doors; deck level side gates on front/rear decks; front deck boarding ramp; a full bath with low threshold shower, grab bars in shower and near head and wall mounted vanity. RCI timeshares and II timeshares are all available for owners to post their week for rent or sale. Once youre underway, youll be off and exploring one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the countryhome to 96 major side canyons and nearly 2,000 miles of shoreline. Give us a call or send an e-mail. Most people reserve their Lake Powell houseboat for at least five days, but we advise giving yourself as much time as you can. Make sure that you plan your tour ahead of time and proceed with houseboat rentals. These kinds of sites are EVERYWHERE; all you have to do is wait till one becomes available that you want. I've seen that listed, but never realized it was a houseboat. If your group is used to the finer things in life or if you just want to splurge for a trip of a lifetime, there is nothing more lavish than this villa on the water. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Last updated on July 28th, 2022 at 07:17 pm. Los Angeles to Lake Powell - 9 ways to travel via train - Rome2rio Lake GeorgeNew YorkThe Lake George Steamboat Companys paddle wheeler (as well as countless motorboats) plies the waters of this lake, just below New Yorks Adirondack Mountains (lakegeorgesteamboat.com). When you rent a houseboat through RCI you might face similar issues of problem after problem and being on the water in a houseboat would compound them even more. Plan your meals in advance and do your shopping based on the number of people you are feeding. New 2023 Adonia Yatchs Lake Powell Houseboat Share. Lake Powell Vacation Rentals | Home and Cabin Rentals | Airbnb However, there is a radio, so no worries. 75-ft Excursion Houseboat 62-ft Journey Houseboat 59-ft Wanderer Houseboat 59-ft Discovery XL Houseboat 50-ft Nomad Houseboat 48-ft Navigator Houseboat 46-ft Expedition Houseboat Houseboat Comparison Tool Wahweap Marina Houseboat Rentals - AZ Bullfrog Marina Houseboat Rentals - UT Houseboating Vacation Planning Houseboat Meals Houseboating Safety 4. I knew about the houseboat via RCI in deland FL because my inlaws booked it last year and my husband went a few nights. A houseboat in its most basic form is also among the most creative things ever made by mankind. DIY vacations are not feasible. Lake Powell Houseboating Your Home, Away From It All Imagine all the comforts of homecomfy beds, great living space, a fully appointed kitchen and a solid sound systemon your private houseboat, surrounded by Lake Powell's breathtaking scenery. The result: Intensely blue water surrounded by old-growth forest laced with 90 miles of hiking trails. Anglers, professional and amateur alike, brag about the fishing on the St. Johns River. You may make use of the fully equipped but small kitchen on your yacht. Enjoy the thrill of water skiing, wake boarding and ski tubing. Factor in sun-kissed beaches and Native American ruins and its no wonder that houseboating on Lake Powell is the summer reunion spot of choice for many families. If you too are tired of the cacophony, steal some peaceful moments by climbing on board a houseboat. The main salon has premium floor to ceiling windows, upgraded furniture and hardwood paneling throughout. Some of the more popular places where you can get a houseboat through RCI are: These are only few of the many beautiful places you can easily escape to with a houseboat using the RCI exchange. Lake ChelanWashingtonWater and wineries draw vacationers to Lake Chelan, in eastern Washington, about 3 hours from Seattle. Shared ownership watercraft pricing: 2023 MasterCraft X24: Shared Ownership cost $72,995.00 - Yearly Maintenance $2,495.00 - Launch & retrieve $1,595.00. In a fight to bring back a little peace in their lives, many people are taking a step back from their hectic lives and trying to blend in with nature. . In general anyone over the age of 18 can drive a houseboat by themselves. Hurry! We're here to answer any questions you might have and especially to help plan your dream vacation. In case you need ice, propane, or other emergency supplies, you may also want to make sure youre never too far from one of the numerous marinas dotted across Lake Powell. No one using AT&T or T Mobile had the same luck. We clean, fix, and store the boats when you're done. Wahweap Marina Houseboat Rentals - AZ - LakePowell You can access quieter parts of the canyon by boat and a short hike from Lake Powell.
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